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Recent roles


Tanya Rogers

Sorority Party Massacre (Post Production)




​A small bit about me


Thank you for taking the time to check out my site.


I began acting in theater when I was about 8 years old performing in small local plays in my community.

Formal acting lessons began at age twelve. Most of my time was devoted to the stage. There is nothing like the feeling of being on stage portraying someone elses life for the entertainment of an audience, and then awaiting their reaction.


At about age twenty I decided that, as much as the theater was my life, my interests turned more towards film and television. This has enabled me to take my strongest assets, and use them to their fullest potential.

That is why in the spring of 2003 I camped my way cross country to California attempting to better myself and my craft.


Thank you again for taking the time to view me, and if you did so, taking the time out of the chaos of the casting scene to read a little into who I am behind those pictures.


Just a small town gal, tryin' to reach a big time dream.​

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